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Friday, March 14, 2025

Community News

Legends in the baking

All week, Encounter Community Centre is hosting morning teas to acknowledge the dedication and passion of its volunteer brigade as part of National Volunteers...

Raising funds for local families

This year's Annual Red Shield Appeal Luncheon is on Friday, June 14 at Salt at The Elliot. Ambassador of the Salvation Army and co-ordinator of...

Freemasons value the community

People often have little idea of who Freemasons are or of what they do. One of ther prime motivations is charity. Rob Barden from...

New shelter at Jaralde Park

Encounter Bay Rotarians were busy at Jaralde Park last weekend and it was not for their markets. Club members gathered to construct a seaside...

Probus gets stables tour

The Probus Club of Port Victor Combined enjoyed listening to guest speaker Meg Whibley the General Manager of the iconic Victor Harbor Tramway. She...

Ride to end Polio

A combined meeting of members from the Rotary Clubs of Victor Harbor, Goolwa and Encounter Bay was held to hear from Rotarians Phil and...

Hitch a ride with Rosemary

Rosemary Cadden has worked as a journalist, media adviser and PR consultant with a special interest in environmental issues and history. Rosemary has a new...

South Coast Orchestra captivates

The South Coast Chamber Orchestra presented a Charity Concert on April 7 in support of the Victor Harbor Refugee Support Group. Those attending...

Launch of ‘The Accident’

A book written by Fiona Lowe titled 'The Accident' will be introduced at the Victor Harbor Library on Thursday, April 11, from 6pm to...

Gulls are finals bound

The Port Noarlunga Bowling Club are finals bound with 10 of the 14 divisions that represent the club, having qualified for the finals in...

AGM at U3A