The Port of Goolwa Mixed Probus’ March meeting was also the AGM, with Michael Eckert taking on the president’s role for a second year, and secretary Helen Gaull and treasurer Wendy Deinem continuing their roles as well.
President Michael’s annual report thanked all members, as well as a few members who have left for various reasons.
He then inducted three new members in Robyn Provino, Lorraine Webb, and Joy Dwyer and welcomed them to the group of fun and fellowship.
The guest speakers this month were Paul and Rose Mulraney who spoke of their amazing lives in India.
They first went to India when Paul was posted as an Army Officer in 1987 to study a Master of Science (Defence Studies) at the Defence Services Staff College at Wellington, Tamil Nadu, situated 6000 feet above sea level.
Paul studied for a year with 410 Indian Officers and 41 “friendly foreign officers” six days each week.
Rose managed the household with intermittent electricity and water supplies with the assistance of three servants and three helpers.
The ‘Australian’ house had no phone, TV, videos or a good radio reception, so Paul studied regularly by candlelight.
A self-generated social life was an important aspect of their lives – formal cocktail parties and a dance every six weeks.
There were no shops selling ready-made clothes so a private tailor would sew Paul new suits and Rose new outfits on his treadle sewing machine.
Rose recorded her daily activities in her diary and her time was spent undertaking multiple activities – tennis lessons, horse riding, reading, craft, singing, drama, and a computer course without a computer as computers were just being introduced into the workforce; and she typed Paul’s Dissertation.
Paul played golf between the afternoon and evening study sessions.
During the year good health was paramount as they were advised prior to leaving Australia not to attend local medical facilities.
Rose and Paul could have talked for another hour at least, and Anne Turner thanked them and presented them with two beautiful Probus wine glasses.
Birthdays acknowledged for March included Doreen Smith, Helen Gaull, Geoff Cann and Margaret Brinsley.
After a very short meeting, most of the members stayed on for lunch.
The group next met for lunch at The Middleton Tavern on Monday, March 17 – St Patrick’s Day, so wearing green was encouraged.
Coffee mornings will commence again at the Riverside Deli and Café on Monday, March 24 at 10am – all are welcome, just come along.
The club’s train trip to the city is on Monday, May 19, and names will be taken before the May meeting.
Anyone who is interested in joining Probus is welcome to attend any of the above activities, or phone Helen Gaull on 0428 577 553.
The next meeting will be held at the Goolwa Hotel Garden Room on Monday, April 7 at 9.45am for a 10am start – for more information, call Helen on the above number.