After a seasonal holiday break, members of the Yankalilla Men’s Probus met on Tuesday, February 4 for their monthly meeting, with a large turnout through the doors.
Members heard reminiscing stories by Peter Whitford on the topic, ‘Coincidences’.
Shyla Miles, CEO of Palliative Care SA, spoke to the group about the urgency to be prepared now for life’s end, then remaining time with a loved one may be spent peacefully.
The club had one birthday in January, Rob Martin, reaching the early age of 80 – therefore qualifying for the OBE (Over Blooming Eighty) award.
His certificate was proudly presented to him by president Bryce Pritchard.
During the coffee/tea break, members were entertained by Bryce on the piano and Ken Hill on the trumpet, playing songs that brought back memories of a time lost.
Craig Harris announced events coming up over the next months and Allan Barnes said that a local, Rob Kirk, a geologist will speak to the club about ‘Underwater Fossils’ at the March meeting.
The Yankalilla Men’s Probus meets on the first Tuesday of the month at 10am at the RSL Hall.
All are welcome to attend – for more information, contact secretary Bruce Burford on 0412 474 421.