Hindmarsh’s helping hands

Ann Wright volunteers with the Friends of Hindmarsh River Estuary. Photo: Supplied.
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Friends of Hindmarsh River Estuary is an independent self-funded volunteer group interested in the health and well-being of the much loved Hindmarsh River Estuary ecology/habitat.

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They currently have about 35 volunteers, one of which is Ann Wright.

After moving to McCracken four years ago, Ann was enjoying using the Hindmarsh River Estuary walking track when she spotted deadly nightshade growing along it.

She stopped to pull it out and saw other walkers also pulling out weeds.

One afternoon they got together for a chat and so the group, and Ann’s volunteering, began.

Ann liked that the group were friendly and like-minded, and the volunteer application process was easy.

She had to attend an information meeting at the City of Victor Harbor and go through safety aspects, admin and procedures, followed by on site training to learn how to navigate the terrain, which tools to use and how to store them.

Ann said training is ongoing, for example, you begin with weed pulling, which leads on to weed identification, replacement, propagation, and planting of new seedlings.

Ann’s passion for preserving nature and the environment is obvious but she said it has also given back to her with both her mental and physical health improving.

She loves walking through a newly planted area watching the plants grow, as it gives her a sense of personal satisfaction.

Unexpected gains she has received from volunteering are plant ID, how to propagate, collect seeds, how to plant for maximum success and how to record results in a spreadsheet.

Ann is always recommending volunteering to other people along the walking track and said the difference volunteers make to the community is massive.

“I shudder to think what any part of the current projects out there would be like without the current volunteer support,” she said.

If you are considering volunteering, Friends of the Hindmarsh River Estuary has one opportunity available: Environment Champion.

For more information, contact Southern Volunteering on 8552 7858 or at regional@svsa.org.au

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